Ready made borders

  • Your favourite colours

    Suitable for any size border. Email me the length and width and height of any windows. The planting will comprise of a mix of your favourite colour perennial flowers, annuals, bulbs and ornamental grasses (non-invasive) or evergreen shrubs.

  • Naturalistic perennial - wildlife

    Suitable for any size border. Email me the length and width and height of any windows. The planting will comprise of a mix of three - five colour perennial flowers, ornamental grasses (non-invasive), and evergreen shrubs. All these plants will be beneficial for biodiversity and the bees will love them.

  • Country elegance

    Suitable for larger size border’s. Email me the length and width and height of any windows. The planting will comprise of half-standard trees (bee & bird friendly), ornamental grasses (non-invasive), perennial planting and evergreen shrubs.

Borders in the making - get in touch for :

Contemporary minimalism

Suitable for urban gardens and large architectural gardens - comprised of perennial ornamental grasses (non-invasive), two-three colour perennial flowers and all season interest.